Dr Paul Brindley

Brindley, P., Goulding, J., and Wilson, M. L. (2014) A data driven approach to mapping urban neighbourhoods. In ACM International Conference on Advances in GIS (SIGSPATIAL), pages 437–440, Dallas, Texas, USA. Awarded second prize for the best short paper
Brindley, P., Goulding, J., and Wilson, M. L. (2014) Mapping urban neighbourhoods from internet derived data. In GIS RESEARCH UK (GISRUK), Proc. of GIS Research UK 22nd Annual Conference, pages 355–364, Glasgow, UK.
Brindley, P., Craglia, M., Haining, R.P. and Kim, Y-H. (2008) Crime map analyst, in S. Wise and M. Craglia (Eds) Innovations in GIS: GIS and Evidence-Based Policy Making. Taylor & Francis: London.
Brindley, P., Wise, S.M., Maheswaran, R. & Haining, R.P. (2005) The effect of alternative representations of population location on the areal interpolation of air pollution exposure. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 29 (4): 455-469.
Brindley, P., Maheswaran, R., Pearson, T., Wise, S.M. and Haining, R.P. (2004) Using Modelled Outdoor Air Pollution Data for Health, in R. Maheswaran and M. Craglia (Eds.) Geographic Information Sciences in Public Health. CRC Press: Boca Raton.
Brindley, P. and Maheswaran, R. (2002) My Favourite Software: Geographic Information Systems. Software review in: Journal of Public Health Medicine 24 (2): 149.
As co-author:
Stock, K., Pasley, P.R., Gardner, Z., Brindley, P., Morley, J. and Cialone, C. (2013) Creating a Corpus of Geospatial Natural Language in T. Tenbrink, J. Stell, A. Galton and Z. Wood (eds.) Spatial Information Theory. Springer International Publishing: Cham.
Scott, S. and Brindley, P. (2012) New Geographies of Migrant Settlement in the UK. Geography 97 (1): 29-38.
Awarded second prize for best paper in Geography (Geographical Association annual conference, 2012)
Dallimer, M., Tang, Z., Bibby, P.R., Brindley, P., Gaston, K.J. and Davies, Z.G. (2011) Temporal changes in greenspace in a highly urbanized region. Biology letters 7 (5): 763-766.
Haining, R., Law, J., Maheswaran, R., Pearson, T. and Brindley, P. (2007) Bayesian Modelling of Environmental Risk: a Small Area Ecological Study of Coronary Heart Disease Mortality in Relation to Modelled Outdoor Nitrogen Oxide Levels. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA) 21 (5): 1436-3240.
Maheswaran R., Haining RP, Pearson T., Law J., Brindley P., Best N.G. (2006) Outdoor NOx and stroke mortality-adjusting for small area level smoking prevalence using a Bayesian approach. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 15 (5):499-516.
Maheswaran, R., Haining, R.P., Brindley, P., Law, J., Pearson, T., Fryers, P., Wise, S.M. and Campbell, M. (2005) Outdoor Air Pollution and Stroke in Sheffield, United Kingdom. Stroke 36 (2):239-243.
Maheswaran, R., Haining, R.P., Brindley, P., Law, J., Pearson, T., Fryers, P., Wise, S.M. and Campbell, M. (2005) Outdoor Air Pollution, Mortality, and Hospital Admissions from Coronary Heart Disease in Sheffield, UK: a Small-Area Level Ecological Study. European Heart Journal 26 (23): 2543-2549.
Other Selected Publications:
Bibby, P. and Brindley, P. (2014) 2011 Rural-Urban Classification of Local Authority Districts in England: Methodology. Report for Defra, ONS, DCLG and Welsh Government.
Bibby, P. and Brindley, P. (2013) 2011 Rural Urban Classification - Methodology. Report for Defra, ONS, DCLG and Welsh Government.
Bibby, P. and Brindley P. (2009) State of the Greenbelt. Report for Natural England.
Balch, A., Brindley, P., Geddes, A. and Scott, S. (2009) Gangmasters Licensing Authority: Annual Review 2008. Report for Gangmasters Licensing Authority.
Bibby, P. and Brindley, P. (2007) Land Use Change Indicators for Protected Areas. Report for Natural England.
Bibby, P. and Brindley, P. (2006) Historic Farm Complexes in Current Socio-Economic Context: a Pilot Study. Report for English Heritage.
Bibby, P. and Brindley, P. (2006) Land Use Change at the Urban: Rural Fringe and in the Wider Countryside. Report for the Countryside Agency, as part of the Countryside Quality Counts project.
Bibby, P. and Brindley, P. (2006) Residential Development since 2000. Report for the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG).