Dr Paul Brindley
Improving Wellbeing though Urban Nature (IWUN)
I am involved in Work package 1 which takes an epidemiological approach to investigating and evidencing the relationship between urban Natural Environments and Health and Wellbeing in Sheffield. The work is specifically focused on the links between the characteristics of urban Natural Environments and Health and Wellbeing outcomes, and the way this plays out within differing socio-economic population groups.
The approach addresses both indirect exposure to Natural Environments (Incidental contact as part of the activities of daily living), and direct exposure (level of opportunity to visit Natural Environments, and actual visits).

Improving Wellbeing though Urban Nature (IWUN) aims to find out more about how Sheffield’s natural environment can improve the health and wellbeing of the city’s residents, and especially those with disproportionately high levels of poor health. The project, led by Dr Anna Jorgensen at the University of Sheffield’s Department of Landscape, brings academics from the universities of Sheffield, Derby, and Heriot-Watt together with the Wildlife Trusts, Recovery Enterprises and the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare. We will use a range of methods, including a specially designed smartphone app, to investigate people’s relationships with Sheffield’s parks and green spaces.
For more details please go to the IWUN website.

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